CenterPoint Depreciation - Vendor Invoices Preferences

How to Use Preferences Video - Duration: 6 min 05 sec

General Preferences Video - Duration: 9 min 55 sec

Preferences - Vendor Invoices Video - Duration: 4 min 25 sec

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Document #: 3362 Product: CenterPoint® Accounting

Preferences define how you want your CenterPoint program to behave and can be changed at any time. If you change a preference and are currently in the screen that uses that preference, close the screen and then enter the screen again to initiate the preference.

How are the different tabs used?

Preferences can be set at different levels. The preference level is a hierarchy, for example, the Global level will be used if no Application, Database, or User levels are set. The levels are accessed with the tabs across the top of the Preferences screen.

Current Settings: Simply displays the settings that are currently being used.

Global: The Global level is typically used when your system is a network. The Global level affects all databases on the network. This allows a network administrator to setup Preferences just once and they will be used for all Database & all Users within that network setting.

Application: If the Preferences are set at the Application level, then all users of all databases will have the same Preferences.

Database: Preferences set at this level will affect each individual database separately. One can then have different settings for each Preference in each database.

User: Preferences set at the User level will only affect that user. This tab is not available on all preferences and is only available if you use Database Security.

Default Accounts

Accounts Payable are usually recorded to only a few accounts and sub-ledger detail is kept for each vendor. This preference allows you to set which Accounts Payable account is the default to use when creating new AP invoices in Vendor Invoices (A/P).

  • Accounts Payable Account -  Select the default Accounts Payable account to display in Vendor Invoices (A/P) if the vendor does not have a default Accounts Payable account.
  • Freight Expense - Enter the default account when a freight expense account is required if you enter a dollar amount in the Freight box during invoice entry. Only accounts assigned Cost of Good Sold, Expense, or Other Expense account categories display in the lookup.
  • Sales Tax - Enter the default account when a sales tax account is required if you enter a dollar amount in the Sales Tax box during invoice entry. Only accounts assigned Cost of Good Sold, Expense, or Other Expense account categories display in the lookup.
  • Prepaid Vendor Purchases - Enter the default account to display when a prepayment (down payment) is entered on a purchase order. The account selected here must be in the Prepaid Vendor Purchases account category and the Prepaid Vendor Purchases account category must be set up to maintain balances by name so that each vendor has a prepayment account balance.
  1. Select Setup > Accounts > Account Categories.
  2. Select the Prepaid Vendor Purchases account category.
  3. Click the Balance Detail tab.
  4. Verify that Name is in the box on the right hand side of the Balance Detail tab. If the Associated Account is also on the right hand side of the tab, move it to the left hand side.
  5. Click Save. Click Close.

Emailing - Checks

This preference allows you to specify the default (template) e-mail message and subject to use for emailed vendor checks (pay advices).

Subject - Enter the default subject for emailed vendor checks (pay advices).

Message - Enter the default message for emailed vendor checks (pay advices).

Check Type - This selection sets the default check type to be used for creating the pdf attachment for the emailed vendor checks (pay advices). The options are: Check/Stub/Stub, Stub/Check/Stub, Check/Detail, Check/Stub/Stub (Alternate), Canadian, and ACH Payment Advice.

Stub Type - This selection sets the default stub type to be used for creating the pdf attachment for the emailed vendor checks (pay advices). The options are: Standard (Detail), Standard (Summary), TP Standard (Summary), and TP Standard (Detail).

Printing - Checks

Defines the printer used to print checks, the check format to use when printing checks, whether to Preview checks before printing, and whether to print the check number on the printed check.


Note: To view examples of each check type with the stub type options, select one of the links in the Select Check Type description above.

  • Print Check Number On Check - Select Yes to print the check number on the check form or select No to print the check without the check number (for pre-printed checks).
  • Print Company/Fund Name and Address - Select Yes to print the company/fund name and address on the check form or select No to print the check without the company/fund name and address (for pre-printed checks).
  • Number of Copies - Select the number of copies to print when you select to print checks and overflow statements. This setting will determine the number of copies that print for checks and overflow statements.


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